So TRUE....

Don't think of organ donation as giving up part of yourself to keep a total stranger alive. It's really a total stranger giving up almost all of themselves to keep part of you alive. ~Author Unknown

Sunday, January 1, 2012

"2011" In Review...

A year that we accomplished sooo much... 

* In January we stopped tube feeds!  3000 cc per day for almost 2 solids years!  STOPPED 
     Devin began eating like a champ!! SUPER HUGE accomplishment for someone who was unable to eat by mouth for the first 5 years of life.. 

* With the stopping of the tube feeding... we solved the "monthly pneumonia" issue :) and yes mama was right!!! this boy was aspirating!! (even though they still won't admit it!)

* In February we came off the insulin pump!! 

* In April we removed his feeding tube!

* In September we fulfilled a HUGE wish of Devin's... He returned to school!! As he viewed it, 
Not only did he get to go to school but he is in a program that is so wonderful for him.. He is learning and making such progress!!  It has been AMAZING to watch the amount of success he has had in such a short period of time... and he is LOVING every minute of it!!!   and we have truly been blessed with a team who are committed to seeing kids with challenges reach their potential and SUCCEED!!!

* In October we celebrated Devin's ((8th)) birthday... Yes, 8th!! 
Devin's prognosis in the beginning was 3 to 4 years!!  Shortly after his 5th birthday he had his bowel transplant... Knowing the first year was a milestone... the 5 year mark is the true test!! we will celebrate 3 years February 23rd.

* In November we had his last whole closed.. they surgically closed his feeding tube site!!! 
Granted his abdomen looks like a road map gone bad... but we'll take it!!!

* In December (without giving it any attention) we marked 1 year hospital free for illness!!!!!! 
HUGE, HUGE, HUGE accomplishment!!!

So, as we say goodbye to 2011 we have an 8 year old... eating machine... who is loving, living, laughing!, growing everyday, over coming obstacles, and making up for lost time do to illness!!! 

Thank you ALL for your continued support & prayers... 
Happy New Year!!!!

Going for the GQ look!

Banging his pots and pans at Midnight!!!
Happy New Year

1 comment:

Maria said...

When I think back to Devin's 2nd Birthday Party and where you are really puts a perspective on life and even more of a perspective on how truly AMAZING you all are!!
Here's to an even better and HEALTHIER NEW YEAR!!!