So TRUE....

Don't think of organ donation as giving up part of yourself to keep a total stranger alive. It's really a total stranger giving up almost all of themselves to keep part of you alive. ~Author Unknown

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Feeling Better... & Ready To GO..

Devin is doing MUCH better!!!!  This afternoon he perked up!! Got up... NEEDED a foot long Subway.. went to see grandma.. and did his school work because......... he is begging to go back to school tomorrow!!!!   His labs look GREAT! better than they have in a LONG time! and he's been fever free since Tuesday!

A conversation that speaks volumes...

"Dev how about one more day of rest tomorrow"
"NO, Ma please I wanna go back to school.  I miss everyone"
"I know Dev but don't you wanna stay home just one more day with me"
"Ma, I love you but I really LOVE SCHOOL... I LOVE MY TEACHERS AND I MISS THEM... I like being in school. I don't like being at home it's boring!!!!"

I sure hope he wakes up feeling as good as he does now or we are going to have one sad boy tomorrow!!!

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