So TRUE....

Don't think of organ donation as giving up part of yourself to keep a total stranger alive. It's really a total stranger giving up almost all of themselves to keep part of you alive. ~Author Unknown

Friday, February 3, 2012

LONG Day...

Once again Devin was a real trooper!!! 

 We headed down to DC on Wednesday and started our marathon bowel prep.... 2 Dulcolax, 3 cap full of Miralax, and 1 bottle of Magnesium Citrate....  to which we got NO results!!! NONE!!!! So yesterday morning we had to convince him an enema was absolutely necessary!!! Although NOT happy he really was a trooper.
Unfortunately we did NOT have an ideal scope time... 2:30!! Which was a HUGE challenge!! He was miserable... hungry, thirsty, and anxious!!!  The scope started at 3:30 and THANKS!! to our faithful nurse Debbie the IV was obtained on the first stick!!!  The scope was done without any problems :)

The preliminary results... The transplanted intestines look GREAT!!! to the eye... But his esophagus has ulcers in it.. :(  Honestly I am NOT really sure what this means... Dr. K was in a rush and really didn't explain it well.  Both Derrick and I are confused.  We both got two different understandings out of his explanation.  Once the biopsy results are back I will begin my investigation as to why this may be occurring... and of course I will call my faithful local GI doc who will piece it all together for me...
Dr. K made it seem like it was no big deal, their are meds to treat it, and it's better that you know about and treat it.  It causes problems suddenly! no warning given.  "you'll be in the 9th inning at the Yankee game... looking to rush out before the crowd leaves... and all the sudden you'll turn and Dev will be choking on a hot dog because he can't get it down" as per Dr. K...

Well, today my Dev is home (against his wishes) but we got home at 10 last night, he had a boat load of bowel prep, and was under sedation for almost 2 hours... so I felt a day cuddled on the couch was in his best interest!!

Praying for biopsy results later today!!!

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