So TRUE....

Don't think of organ donation as giving up part of yourself to keep a total stranger alive. It's really a total stranger giving up almost all of themselves to keep part of you alive. ~Author Unknown

Friday, May 17, 2013


What an AMAZING two weeks!!! By far NOT easy... at times super stressful.. Learned so much about my leadership skills!! and my own ability to over come some frustrating moments!!

Met WONDERFUL families each facing their own daily struggles!! yet so supportive, understanding, and kind!!  Had a great time getting to know them and their kids!!!

And last but by far NOT least the UNBELIEVABLE group of people we met at CCI!!! The  dedication!!! by every staff member, trainer, and volunteer is beyond words!!!  It truly is a complex multi layer system that makes this program possible!!!

I would like to thank our puppy raiser family!! Not only did they dedicate 18 months of their life to raising Kai and laying the ground work for a great companion dog!!! ... they were wonderful with Devin today!!!  A great example to the AMAZING volunteers that CCI has!!!

Love at first sight!!!

Devin getting a bath!!! 


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