So TRUE....

Don't think of organ donation as giving up part of yourself to keep a total stranger alive. It's really a total stranger giving up almost all of themselves to keep part of you alive. ~Author Unknown

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I Can't Believe...

It's August already... We've had a wonderful summer thus far!!! Devin is absolutely LOVING camp!!! Up early eager to go... It's been a GREAT, POSITIVE experience for him!!!  Although I felt guilty in the beginning sending him.  It was a perfect fit!!!   We continue to do school work every day and he continues to enjoy it... VERY eager to please his teacher and para in September!! So, of course I go right along with it!! LOL ;)

Raymond is NOT really loving working 5 days a week.  He's treating it like it's a foreign concept known to no one but him!! LOL He's truly in for a shock!!!!!! He leaves for college Aug. 25.. A day filled with VERY mixed emotions!  Although I know it is the "natural" progression of life, it's not one I look forward to.  This transition will be EXTREMELY hard on Devin.  Raymond is his buddy, he LOVES him!!!

Caitlin is LOVING work!! She loves the kids and doesn't seem to mind getting up and going every morning.  I think she's counting the money she'll have for cloths...

Devin is due to be scoped tomorrow morning!! GGRR!!!! dread it!!! but have put it off long enough.  They will be re-checking his esophagus to check again for ulcerations that were their last time.   Praying for a quick, simple, easy scope!!! The IV has me completely stressed.... Praying for one good vein!!!!

He'd like to know if he could go to camp when he's done!!!!!! I don't think after anesthesia camp is recommended!!!

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